Privacy Policy


Politica de Privacidade

Tagus Marina, a registered trademark of Meridian Season, Lda., values your privacy, whether you are a recent or a long-time user. If you want to know more about our practices or if you have any questions, please contact us through the following contacts:

  • Email: info@tagusmarina.com
  • Telephone: +351 930 402 002

Information we collect

We collect information to provide the services inherent to our business, and to better serve our customers, from basic parameters such as the language spoken by the customer, to usual bank information for the purpose of booking boats or tours.We collect information in the following ways:

Information always provided by the customer and with his consent:

For example, a lot of our services require that customer provide us with personal information, such as name, email address, address or credit card when registering for booking a boat or tour. In order to customer take full advantage of the features of the service provided, we may ask customer to provide us with a contact phone number to give any information that is required to be sent during this period or at customer request.

We may also request information on satisfaction with our services, through the platforms used for the purpose of booking our services, such as TripAdvisor, Booking, Expedia or others. That information will only be publicly visible with customers consent.

Tagus Marina website collects, through cookies, various information from its visitors in order to provide a better navigation experience. Cookies are small information files that are placed in your electronic device (computer, tablet,smartphone, etc.) and can take on various functions, and may save your preferences for certain types of information or save information about your visit to this website. The use of cookies on the Internet is usual and does not harm the computers or other devices of web access of users. Cookies perform functions such as a more in-depth understanding of how the website is used, facilitating browsing, and overall improving your user experience, while ensuring that websites present you with relevant content. They are thus instruments of continuous improvement of user experience. By opting out, all or some of the available features may be inhibited, penalizing your browsing experience. You can control how cookies are stored in your browser or even delete them in your browser options at any time. As noted, you should note that changing these settings may impact the quality of navigation on the Tagus Marina website.

The information we collect from the use of our services:

We collect information about your usage of our services for the purposes of accounting for expenses inherent to the usage of our boats, such as communications, travel or other services that you can dispose of with total comfort.

Phone registration information:

When you use our telephone services, we automatically collect and store some information on temporary records. This includes:

Information such as the users mobile phone number, callers number, routing numbers, call time and date, call duration, routing information and call types to accounting for expenses incurred in that usage;

Information of device events, such as failures, malfunctions or other non-functional activities of the system;

Unique Usage Numbers: Some services include a unique application number within vessels facilities. This number and the information about its use (for example reception service) may be registered to provide services to customer requested by you using the exclusive telephone numbers.

Storage: No data are stored regarding this temporary and occasional service.

How we use the information we collect

We use the information we collect from all our services, to make available, maintain, protect and improve these services and to develop new services to our customers, as well as to protect Tagus Marina and its employees. We also use this information to offer a more personalized service to the customer, and always and only at your express and consented request. We may use the name indicated in the booking of boat or tour, in all the services we offer that require an identification (entrance, tour tickets, etc…), for the purpose of providing our commercial services as well as, and always, for legal obligation purpose.

User-shared information

Our reservation booking channel services allow you to share information with others about your customer satisfaction assessment. It should not be forgotten that by sharing information publicly, that information can be indexed by searching engines. These services provide different options for sharing and removing content.

Access and update your personal information

As we offer a professional and personalized service, whenever you use our services, we want you to have access to your personal information. We work to the extent that, if this information is not correct, we provide the customer with ways to update or delete it, unless we need to maintain it for legitimate business or legal purposes.

Information we share

We do not share personal information with companies, entities and individuals outside of Tagus Marina. The following circumstances are exceptions:

For legal purposes, to enforce any law, regulation, legal process or enforceable request of a given entity of the applicable State.

Whenever it is necessary to detect, prevent or solve technical, fraud or security problems.

To protect against damages the rights, property or safety of Tagus Marina, its users or the public, under the terms required or permitted by law.

Information security

We work to protect Tagus Marina and our customers from unauthorized access or unauthorized alteration, disclosure or not allowed destruction of information in our possession.

We regularly review our practices for collecting, processing and storing information, including physical security measures, to protect against unauthorized access to systems.

We restrict access to personal information to Tagus Marina employees, contractors and agents who need to know this information for processing purposes and who are subject to strict contractual confidentiality obligations and may be subject to disciplinary action or contract termination in case of non-compliance with obligations.

Compliance and cooperation with regulatory authorities

We regularly evaluate our compliance with our Privacy Policy. We cooperate with relevant regulatory authorities, including data protection authorities, to resolve any charges regarding the use of personal data that we cannot resolve directly with our users.

We keep your personal information private and secure.